How to upload an individual record within File Manager.

1 - From the Document Management module on the left-hand side of the screen, select "File Manager". This is the project’s common data environment at obi®.

2 - In the file manager, navigate to the relevant folder that you want to access. To enter, move your mouse over the relevant folder and click anywhere on the folder's tile. The page will reload and direct you to the folder's main page.

3 - The "add record" button is located on the top right-hand side of the screen. The page will reload, and you will be taken to the record submission page. You will then be prompted to enter information for the record based on the naming convention, such as a description, role, status, type, and so on.

4 - When you add a single record, the system will show you each container and assist you in naming the file. You can attach files with any name in this case, and the system will not reject them. Please wait for the files to fully upload (white tick) before clicking "save." After that, the record will be created and added to the folder.

Please keep in mind that you will only have access to these buttons if you have been granted uploading permission within the folder (Submitters).