How to set up a review within File Manager

1 - From the Document Management module on the left-hand side of the screen, select "File Manager". This is the project’s common data environment at obi®.

2 - In the file manager, navigate to the relevant folder that you want to access. To enter, move your mouse over the relevant folder and click anywhere on the folder's tile. The page will reload and direct you to the folder's main page.

3 - Within the folder, go to the "add record" or "add bulk records" button on the top right-hand side of the screen to set up a review. After the page reloads, you will be directed to the record submission page.

4 - Using "add bulk record" as an example, the setup review option is located beneath the upload component. You simply select "yes," and if the mandatory review is configured in this folder, it will always be displayed as "yes," with no option to select "no."

5 - You will be prompted to select the discipline that is relevant to the files I'm uploading, as well as the deadline for review, the minimum status for approval, the folder to which you want to send those files for revision, and up to four reviewers.

6 - If you choose Status A and assign two reviewers, the record will be available in the file manager folder only after the two reviewers complete their revisions and assign status A.

7 - If "display records under revision" is enabled in this folder, you will be able to access and view the records contained within it.

Please keep in mind that you will only have access to these buttons if you have been granted uploading permission within the folder (Submitters).