How to navigate a folder within File Manager.

1 - From the Document Management module on the left-hand side of the screen, select "File Manager". This is the project’s common data environment at obi®.

2 - In the file manager, navigate to the relevant folder that you want to access. To enter, move your mouse over the relevant folder and click anywhere on the folder's tile. The page will reload and direct you to the folder's main page, which will display the records that have been uploaded to that folder.

3 - To make it easier to navigate, use the file naming containers filters at the top of the screen. You can search by file type, role, volume, level, status, originators, date range, and other criteria. Once you've finished selecting, make sure to click "apply filter," and the log will display the files based on your filter selection.

4 - At any time, you can clear your filter selection by clicking the "clear all filters" button at the bottom of the filter containers.

5 - By default, the system displays the most recent revision of each record uploaded. If you want to see older revisions, use the "older revisions" filter on the "revision" filter at the top left corner of the screen. Please click "apply filter" once you've selected it. The log will reload and display all records, including older revisions that can be easily identified by the system's blueish highlight.

6 - To quickly find a specific record, use the search bar on the right-hand side of the log. Simply type a keyword in the search bar to quickly identify the file. It could be a word in the file description, the role, the company code of the originator, or the unique file number, for example.

7 - To view a record, simply locate it and click on the "view" button, which will bring you to the record and its details.

8 - If a model file (Revit or Autocad) has been uploaded to the folder, simply locate the relevant record and click on the 3D model viewer button, and the model will open using the obi® integration with the ForgeViewer.