How to copy files from one folder to another in File Manager.

1 - From the Document Management module on the left-hand side of the screen, select "File Manager". This is the project’s common data environment at obi®.

2 - In the file manager, navigate to the relevant folder that you want to access. To enter, move your mouse over the relevant folder and click anywhere on the folder's tile. The page will reload and direct you to the folder's main page.

3 - Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to find the "copy records" component, which allows you to copy the records. You can copy specific records or all uploaded records to another folder.

4 - You will be prompted to select the folder to which the copies should be sent and the record status to which those records should be assigned.

5 - Please keep in mind that these will only copy the most recent version of the records; older revisions or superseded versions will not be copied.