How to bulk upload records within File Manager.

1 - From the Document Management module on the left-hand side of the screen, select "File Manager". This is the project’s common data environment at obi®.

2 - In the file manager, navigate to the relevant folder that you want to access. To enter, move your mouse over the relevant folder and click anywhere on the folder's tile. The page will reload and direct you to the folder's main page.

3 - The "add bulk records" button is in the top right-hand corner of the screen. After the page reloads, you will be directed to the bulk record submission page. Then you'll be asked to select or drag and drop the files from your device.

4 - In this case, only files that have already been named according to the naming convention will be accepted. Files with incorrect names will be rejected. Please wait for the files to fully upload (white tick) before clicking "save." After that, the records will be created and added to the folder.

  1. Please keep in mind that you will only have access to these buttons if you have been granted uploading permission within the folder (Submitters).
  2. To use the bulk upload function, all files must be named according to the ISO 19650 naming convention (see image below).

Screenshot 2022-11-22 at 12.01.45